Sunday, December 4, 2011

How do I add a security code to my email inquiry page on my web site?

I know that when you contact or log in to some web sites, you have to put your username, passwod and a security code that shows up in a grid-type box before you can submit. I have an inquiry page on my web site that you have to input your name, email and nature of question before you submit. I was wondering how I can add a security code box before someone can submit. I have been having alot of problems lately with receiving spam and in turn using my auto submit email to send out spam. Any other ideas on how to stop this?|||What you are are referring to is called CAPTCHA. How you would do it depends entirely on how techincal you are and where and how your website hosted. There are certainly open source CAPTCHA options out there. Here is a good place to start learning about CAPTCHA.

Good luck!

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